CSR Social

“Be One of Us”
Is a social involvement program that proposes to support and promote local cultures from areas where the Company operates, by supporting a wide array of unique customs and festivals, related to the traditional village calendar. Celebration of unique local habits, perpetuated through play and songs, is the essence of the rich tradition of Banat area, represented by the harmony between locals of various cultures, either Bulgarian, Swabian, Hungarian or Serbs. Whatever the season, we stand by communities during cultural events taking place in villages and towns in the region throughout the year. Multiculturality and life in harmony, regardless of ethnicity, are appreciated as common values of Banat area and are encouraged and supported by our Company.
Calendar of ”Be One of Us” Events Supported in Timiș and Arad Counties, throughout Several Editions:
Birda Community
•“Săptămâna Culturală / Cultural Week”
•,,Zilele comunei / Commune Days”
•“Ruga de la Birda&rdquo / “Birda Parish Fair”
Bîrsa Community
•“Festivalul Flori de Sânziene” / “Midsummer’s Flowers” Festival
Bocsig Community
•“Festivalului Dansului Călușăresc” din localitatea Bosig, jud. Arad / “Călușari Dance Festival” from Bosig locality, Arad County
Comunitatea Boldur / Boldur Community
•“Ziua Tineretului” / “Youth Day”
•“Ruga Satului Ohaba” / “Ohaba Village Parish Fair”
•“Festivalul Internațional de recitare în grai străbun și folcor auentic Ștefac Pătrut” / “Ștefac Pătrut International Festival of Reciting in the Ancients’ Dialect and of Authentic Folklore”
Comunitatea Buziaș / Buziaș Community
•„Hramul Bisericii Ortodoxe” / „Orthodox Church Feast”
Comunitatea Cenei / Cenei Community
•“Serbare Câmpenească” / “Rural Celebration”
•“Ziua recoltei” / “Harvest Day”
•“Liber la pedalat” / “Free to bike”
Comunitatea Cermei / Cermei Comunity
•&ldquoReuniunea comunei Cermei” / &ldquoCermei Commune Reunion”
•“Întâlnirea fiilor satului” / “Meeting with the Village People”
Comunitatea Ciacova / Giacova Community
•“Nu-mi zăuit vorba și portul” / “I Don’t Forget My Language and Traditional Clothes“
•“Balul persoanelor vârstnice” / “Ball of the Elderly”
Comunitatea Dudeștii Noi / Dudeștii Noi Community
•“Seara Aromânilor din Banat” / “Night of Aromanians from Banat”
•“Zilele Comunei Dudeștii Noi” / “Dudeștii Noi Commune Days”
Comunitatea Gătaia / Gătaia Community
•“Ruga Bănăţeană” / “Banat Parish Fair”
Comunitatea Ineu / Ineu Community
•“Hora Ineuana” / “Ineu Hora”
Comunitatea Jimbolia / Jimbolia Community
•“Serbările Toamnei” / “Autumn Celebration”
•“Sărbătoarea de ignat” / “St. Ignatius’ Holiday”
Comunitatea Lenauiheim / Lenauiheim Community
•“Ruga satului Bulgăruș” / “Bulgăruș Village Parish Fair”
Comunitatea Măureni / Măureni Community
•“Ruga din localitatea Măureni” / “Măureni Parish Fair”
•“Ruga de la Șoșdea” / “Șoșdea Parish Fair”
Comunitatea Mișca / Mișca Community
•“Zilele Satului” în localitatea Mișca și Satu Nou / “Village Days” in Mișca and Satu Nou Localities
•“Balul strugurilor” / “Grapes Ball”
Comunitatea Nițchidorf / Nițchidorf Community
•“Moștenirea culturală a șvabilor din Banat” / “Cultural Inheritance of Swabians from Banat”
•“Ruga localităţii”
Comunitatea Peciu-Nou / Peciu-Nou Community
•“Hramul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române” / “Romanian Orthodox Church Parish Fair”
&bull“Ruga Satului” / “Village Parish Fair”
Comunitatea Periam / Periam Community
•“Zilele Periam” / “Periam Days”
Comunitatea Sânmihaiu Român / Sânmihaiu Român Community
•“Ruga Satului” / “Village Parish Fair”
•“Festivalul Folcloric ”Lada cu Zestre” / “Hope Chest Folkloric Festival”
Comunitatea Sânpetru Mare / Sânpetru Mare Community
•“Ruga Sârbească” și “Ruga Românească” / “Serbian Parish Fair” and “Romanian Parish Fair”
•“Festivalul Rachiului” / “Homemade Brandy Festival”
•Spectacol de cântece şi dansuri populare româneşti şi sârbeşti “Plavi Delia” / “Plavi Delia” Festival of Romanian and Swabian Folklore Songs and Dances
•“Atelier de gastronomie locală” / “Local Cuisine Workshop”
Comunitatea Șanovița / Șanovița Community
•“Tipărirea monografiei satului în comunitatea Șanovița” / “Printing of Șanovița Village Monography”
Comunitatea Șicula / Șicula Community
•Festivalul Folcloric și a sesiunsii științifice cu tema “Istorie locală și Etnografie” / •Folklore and Scientific Session Festival on “Local History and Ethnography”
Comunitatea Timișoara / Timișoara Community
•“Zilele Cartierului Freidorf” / “Freidorf Neighborhood Days”
Comunitatea Tormac / Tormac Community
•Concursul culinar de făcut cârnați tradiționali, organizat în localitatea Tormac / Traditional Sausages Culinary Competition, organized in Tormac Locality
•“Zilele Tormăcene” / “Tormac Days”
Comunitatea Vinga / Vinga Community
•“Sărbătoarea de Farsang” / “Farsang Holiday”
•“Zilele localității” / “Locality Days”
Comunitatea Voiteg / Voiteg Community
•“Balul Portului Popular”” / “Traditional Costumes Ball”

„Food for Souls”
Comtim Romania is the initiator of “Food for Souls” program to support the families with social needs from communities facing food insecurity, a program developed in collaboration with partner organizations (non-governmental organizations, churches etc.).
As of 2009 to date:
- 397,000 meals served
- 20 partner NGOs
Through this program our Company provides free Comtim meat products contributing to the daily meals of people in social risk. Thus, the daily menu of beneficiaries is completed by an essential source of high-quality animal protein, necessary for a balanced diet, a prerequisite for healthy and harmonious development.
With the help of volunteers, Comtim products are provided either as a hot meal (by social canteens, daycare centers, hospitals and orphanages), or as packaged fresh meat, in case the partner NGO does not benefit of its proper canteen.
So far, the beneficiaries of this program include: the Social Canteen from Timișoara, “Constantin și Elena” Daycare Center, General Directorate for the Social Protection of Children, “Iisus Speranța României” Christian Association, Caritas Federation of Timișoara Dioceses for the centers: Mother and Child Home, “Parter Jordan” Night Home and și “Casa Maria a Apostolilor” Shelter for Women, “Rudolf Walter” Association, “Mana” Association, “Timișoara’89” Foundation, “Pentru Voi” Foundation, and “Deborah” Home.
Herbert Grun, Executive Secretary for Caritas Federation of Timișoara Dioceses
“Caritas Federation of Timișoara Dioceses provides the daily meal for 450 people in need and your support was, once again, more than welcomed. On behalf of our beneficiaries (children, elders, homeless, abused women etc.) we would like not only to thank you, but also to send you our admiration for your intention to help, that we see so seldom nowadays.”
Laurențiu Timiș, Executive Director of the Evangelic Association “Isus Speranța României”
“Our Association thanks you for all the support and openness to and sensitivity for our needs. Your donations are very useful in one of our major projects – the Daycare Center and the Center for Rehabilitation and Social Protection of Minors and the “Mana” project, where 25 people receive a daily hot meal.”

The Fundraising Campaign for ”Horse Emotion”
Comtim Romania employees organized a fundraising campaign during the annual party of employees, in late 2016, called „At Smithfield, You Give and You Receive!”. Our fundraising campaign was organized on behalf of „Horse Emotion” - http://www.horsemotion.ro/ - a non-governmental organization that provides free hypotherapy sessions for children with special needs.
The entire amount of money collected by Comtim Romania employees was used by Horse Emotion to upgrade the racetrack from Ianova, which is intended for children with special needs. The organization has developed a project that involves the set-up of a “sensorial garden” based on natural textures, such as bark, lavender or river stones, in order to improve the treatment of children and the way they interact with the environment.
The visit from “Hansel and Gretel” Orphanage was concluded by the children’s award with diplomas, school supplies and clothes, provided on behalf of the Company. Employees also contributed with personal donations and gave the children sweets, clothes, toys, and money. The action proved very emotional, since both the children and our colleagues-volunteers enthusiastically got involved in all the activities carried out together.
Hypotherapy is the horse-assisted therapy for humans, and especially for children with various disabilities, such as: infantile cerebral palsy, tertraparesis, Down Syndrome, autism etc. The various physical and mental benefits can be seen over time, but the joy in children’s eyes is immediately apparent.

Comtim Romania Friends
Smithfield Friends program is the most recent social involvement program started by the Company, a program that encourages volunteering among Smithfield Romania colleagues and aims at building an organizational culture that encourages personal involvement in social projects.
Other Social Actions Supported by Comtim Romania