
Fresh meat

Comtim Brand

About Comtim Comtim Romania, the best supply chain for 100% Romanian pork. We are the largest pork producer in Romania, providing constant supply with 100%, high-quality Romanian pork, produced to the highest industry standards in terms of quality and food safety. We are characterized by the high-quality of our fresh pork, produced in...


Nutritional benefits of pork

Pork is one of the most popular foods consumed for the pleasure of taste. Pork in its natural state is low in sodium chloride and has a high protein content. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, necessary for a healthy body: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, and a source of B vitamins, such as vitamins B6, B12, nic...

Did you know?

? Pigs communicate constantly with one another. ? Pigs appear to have a good sense of direction and have found their way home over great distances. ? Pigs do not “eat like pigs” or “pig out.” They prefer to eat slowly and savor their food. ? Pigs are clean animals. They will be careful not to soil the area where they...


Comtim recipes

Comtim, a name picked from your family tradition, offers unique culinary experiences! Quality and taste are always placed in the position of high honor, and our innovative products uniquely intertwin tradition and craftsmanship and bring quality and exquisite taste directly to your plate!