
Nutritional benefits of pork

Pork is one of the most popular foods consumed for the pleasure of taste.

Pork in its natural state is low in sodium chloride and has a high protein content. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, necessary for a healthy body: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, and a source of B vitamins, such as vitamins B6, B12, nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin.


Pork is a great source of proteins. A 100 g portion of meat provides about half of the daily requirements of an adult.


The fat content of pork depends on the part they come from (belly, steak etc.); the "leanest" meat has a content of 6 g fats per 100 g of meat. Pork contains more unsaturated fat than saturated fat. It also contains the Conjugated Linoleic Acid, an ally of the body against cancer or cardiovascular disease.


Pork is a good source of iron for the body and is recommended to be introduced in the diet, in moderation, in case of iron deficiency anemia (by iron deficiency). A 100 g portion of pork provides 15% of the RDA of iron.


The consumption of 100 g of pork provides 30% of the RDA of zinc. According to studies, people who exclude meat of any kind from their diet, are facing zinc deficiency. Iron, zinc and Vitamin D contained by red meat are more efficiently absorbed by the body, unlike other foods containing them.


“There is no argument against pork. On the contrary: pork fat is less saturated and healthier than beef. Pig is not a ruminant animal, but a monogastric one, 94% compatible with the human being. A child would not digest beef as he/she digests pork. The important thing is to choose a lean piece of pork. For example, pork loin is leaner than any piece of beef, while tenderloin is even leaner than a chicken leg. If the pig is fed correctly (…), its meat includes Omega 3 as well.


Pork deserves to be rehabilitated. One can see with the naked eye that pork fat is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, similar to olive oil. Think about how bacon looks, how tender it is! At an ambient temperature it becomes soft, just like olive oil, liquid when sitting on the table, and precipitant when refrigerated. For years. We haven’t questioned the quality of pork. And one day, we just woke up refusing pork, and for unknown reasons. It’s kind of a prejudice. Nutrition books praise the pig.


Mihaela Bilic MD, Nutritionist, author of nutrition bestsellers “Trăiesc, deci mă abţin“ / “I live, therefore I abstain” and “Sănătatea are gust“ / “Health Tastes Good”.


1. Rabbit 2. Pork – chops or tenderloin
3. Chicken
4. Ostrich
5. Turkey
6. Beef
7. Deer
8. Wild boar
9. Goat
10. Fish
Read more on Qbebe.ro: Top 10 Meats with Less Calories

Consumed in moderation, pork is a good source of energy, with beneficial effects on the skin, eyes, nervous system, bones and mental performances.

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