
Production Support Operations

Out of care for the surrounding environment, Comtim Romania fully manages both animal by-products and wastewater resulted from the slaughtering process, through two modern plants: the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Rendering Plant.

Rendering Plant

Comtim Romania is a member of EFPRA (European Fat Processors and Rendering Association). The Rendering Plant is a support plant for our main activity in the slaughterhouse, which has as main purpose collecting and processing these animal by-products that are not intended for human consumption, resulted from the slaughtering process. Renderin...


Waste Water Treatment Plant

Our Company has a Wastewater Treatment Plant authorized by Banat Waters Agency, namely by Timiș Environmental Protection Agency, based on an integrated environmental permit and is continuously monitored by resort authorities. The Wastewater Treatment Plant operates in three stages: mechanical, chemical and biological, and has a capac...