Rendering Plant
Comtim Romania is a member of EFPRA (European Fat Processors and Rendering Association). The Rendering Plant is a support plant for our main activity in the slaughterhouse, which has as main purpose collecting and processing these animal by-products that are not intended for human consumption, resulted from the slaughtering process.
The Rendering Plant of Smithfield Romania is one of the most modern of its kind in Romania, because it meets all parameters of the EU Directive 1069/2009, the processing method 1, for processing animal by-products that are not intended for human consumption.
The capacity of this plant is of 10 tons/hour of animal by-products, not intended for human consumption, and the plant’s processing capacity is of 30,000 tons/year for each category.
The products resulted (protein flour, fats) are recovered by third parties, which in turn subject them to a technological process with the intention of obtaining animal feed (pet food), but they can also have various other technical uses (i.e. organic fertilizer, biodiesel).
The Rendering Plant of Smithfield Romania is a Greenfield investment and, at the same time, one of the most modern of its kind in Romania and Europe that meets all parameters of the EU Directive 1069/2009, being authorized for processing of animal by-products, categories II and III.
Through large investments in equipment and production and environmental protection technology, we ensure compliance with all requirements of environmental protection, in force in Romania and Europe. All products made in our Rendering Plant are obtained from animal by-products, processed immediately after slaughtering.