
CSR Education

”Adopt a School” Program

In 2017, Comtim Romania invested RON 1 million in the program ”Adopt a School”.

This program, intended for companies that want to support an educational institution, was launched at Timișoara in 2017, at the initiative of Comtim Romania. It aims at improving the educational process and study conditions in schools from Timiș County and was started in partnership with Timiș County School Inspectorate.

The pilot of this project took place in January – June 2018 and included 25 educational units in the county, each benefiting of financial support from Comtim Romania to implement specific investment projects. The eligible projects included rehabilitation and renovation of school infrastructure, purchases and set-up of new IT&C educational equipment or of a play and sports room in the schools selected in the program.

At this stage, the project was benefited by approx. 10,000 students and teachers in the 25 primary and secondary educational units. Almost 300 teachers were directly in charge of its implementation.

Overall, the amounts allocated by Comtim Romania for implementing the pilot project “Adopt a School” are close to RON 1 million (RON 928,000). They were distributed according to the size of schools and investment experts were directly coordinated by the County School Inspectorate.

The investments ”Adopt a School” program, supported by Comtim Romania were completed at the end of school year 2017-2018.

”Back to School” Program    

”Back to School” is a Comtim Romania program to support access to education and encourage school performance, addressed to school children in local communities where we operate.

At the beginning of each school year, Comtim Romania volunteers, motivated by the joy brought to children in the previous years, give school supplies to school and pre-schools children from neighboring communities, along with backpacks, pencil cases and timetables with tips for a healthy lifestyle, manuals and books to children of Smithfield employees.

If in 2007, when it started, the program included 4 localities, as of 2013 to date it extended to over 60 communities. The program addresses both the children in pre-school, primary and secondary grades and the children of Company employees. In all 13 editions so far, over 60,000 students from the communities where Comtim Romania operates, have been included in the program.

Until 2020, the 13 Editions of the Program Included over 60,000 Beneficiary School Children:


- 4 localities in Timiş County

- Over 700 school children


- 11 localities in Timiș County

- Over 2,040 school children


- 36 localities in Timiș County

- Over 3,000 school children


- 40 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 3,500 school children


- 65 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 3,550 school children


- 61 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 3,600 school children


- 66 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 4,670 school children


- 56 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 6,600 school children


- 63 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 6,600 school children      



- 60 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 6,400 school children


-  66 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 6,600 school children


-  60 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 7,000 school children  


-  60 localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

- Over 6,000 school children

Social Responsibility Programs

Comtim Romania has developed over time numerous social involvement programs being, among others: initiator of “Back to School” program – to support families with social needs, sponsor of Smithfield Academics program – to support quality education, initiator of “Be One of Us!” program to support local cultures and traditions, and of ”Smithfield Friends” social responsibility program, to encourage volunteering among employees.

Smithfield’s social responsibility programs were locally and internationally recognized, Company volunteers being rewarded with many prizes, such as: Smithfield Foods “Environmental and Sustainability Awards 2014” – for good sustainability practices, "Diploma of Excellence" (PR Awards, 2014), and 2nd place and nominations at Romanian CSR Awards Galas, 2013, 2015 and 2016 editions.

Smithfield Academics Program

“Smithfield Academics” is a social responsibility program of Comtim Romania, launched in 2004 by our Company, to support the academic and the research environment of Banat area, through educational and university research programs.

Activities eligible for financing in “Smithfield Academics” program:

·          seminars and conferences on various specific issues where we operate: Veterinary Medicine (veterinarians, zootecnicians) and Food Industry, with the specializations: food engineering, food safety and quality, mechanical engineering.

·          support of research on various topics: veterinary, livestock and food industry.

·          organization of visits for students at fairs in our field of activity

·          internship for students


Through our “Smithfield Academics” program, we support a quality educational process by developing long-term partnerships, collaboration with universities and colleges in Banat area, designed to train specialists in our fields of activity (livestock production, food industry and veterinary).


Smithfield Academics – Partnership for Practical Training of Students in the Field!

Internship Program

Since 2009, Comtim Romania has developed its own Internship program. Through this educational program, the Company opens its doors to students interested in understanding and experimenting the practical side of animal husbandry and pork production, and their related activities.

Thus, through long-term partnerships with Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, West University from Timişoara, and Timişoara Polytechnics, we had the opportunity to help shape an educational process in which theoretical concepts are interwoven with practical experience to create an academic environment where students become future specialists in the field.

Since 2009, when the program was started, Smithfield Romania has hosted an overall number of over 711 interns, of which a large part in the Hog Production and Meat Production Departments and the support departments: Quality, Technical, Financial, HR, IT, Sales, Legal and PR.


Comtim Romania Believes in Supporting the Educational Process and Access to Education!

Through our Quality Control Department, there is an ongoing collaboration with higher education institutions from Timișoara to ensure the training of future specialists in food industry or agriculture, through training programs.

The Internship Program provides students with the unique opportunity to gain practical experience in animal husbandry, food industry and pork processing, to the highest quality standards. This program allows students to develop their own specific projects, under the guidance of a specific tutor, as one of the many benefits this program presents.

Smithfield Romania is actively involved in providing career development opportunities to all participating students, characterized by long-term orientation and determination in obtaining professional performance.


Benefits for Interns:

·        Being an intern in one of the largest meat processing companies in the world can provide valuable experience and recommendations for employment at the end of a good internship program

·        On-site training on the functioning of the departments concerned

·        Faculty credits, as established together with the University

·        Possibility of scholarships

Profile Desired:

·        2nd or 3rd year students at profile universities

·        Dynamic and organized person

·        Availability to perform a variety of tasks to work well in a team. Work independently and as part of a team

·        Ability to work under minimum surveillance

Educational Projects Developed over Time and Supported by Comtim Romania