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Din Nou la Scoala

Smithfield Romania Volunteers Provided Backpacks and School Supplies to 6,600 Students from 56 Localities in Timiș and Arad Counties

September 2014


Smithfield Romania continues this year the tradition of offering equipment and school supplies to school and pre-schools children from localities in Timiș andArad Counties, where the Company operates.


At the beginning of each school year, Smithfield Romania employees started the 8th edition of the program “Back to School”, to support access to education and encourage school performance by visiting over 6,600 students. During this program backpacks, anoraks for sports activities, school supplies for kindergarten activities and timetables with advice for a healthy lifestyle were provide to the children. This year’s edition had record results, for a program that is already a tradition: over 90 volunteers, who traveled 8,050 km and visited 56 localities.


At the beginning of school year, the program “Back to School” also included the children of Smithfield Romania employees.

Din Nou la Școală

Back to School Program, in Its 7th Edition
September 2013 


Continuing tradition for the 7th consecutive year, Smithfield Romania’s program"Back to School"  started on September 16, 2013. Six caravans, 66 localities nationwide and 4,670 children – this is the balance of the 7th edition of the “Back to School”Program, to support access to education and encourage school performance, a program carried out at Smithfield Ferme, Smithfield Prod and Agroalim Distribution.


This year, 4,359 children from Timiş and Arad Counties received backpacks and school supplies, for a good start of the school year. The school and pre-schools children of the preparatory and pre-school groups enjoyed gift packages of colored books, watercolors, colored crayons, carioca, glazed paper and crepe paper. The students in the secondary school received anoraks suitable for outdoors activities and the urge for a healthy lifestyle!

Also, 311 children of Smithfield Romania employees (Smithfield Ferme, Smithfield Prod and Agroalim Distribution) were included in the already traditional program and received gifts with materials needed to start a new school year.



Also in this project, at the end of school year, Smithfield Ferme gives awards to the most deserving students from the 1st to the 8th grades, awards consisting in books – titles from the bibliography specific to each grade, encyclopedias and albums, in support of the encouragement for education.


"End of School Year 2013/2014"


At the end of school year, Smithfield Ferme provided gifts to the most deserving students, winners of the 1st to 8th grades, from various schools in Timiş County.


The end of school year 2013/ 2014 was full of awards for students from various localities of Timiş County, awards that were prepared by Smithfield Ferme and consisted in books specific to the school bibliography. This year’s beneficiaries were students from Niţchidorf and Maşloc schools. The awards, consisting in books – titles of specific references to each grade, encyclopedias and albums, were granted to an overall number of 500 students of this locality.


"End of School Year 2010/2011"


The end of school year 2010/ 2011 was full of awards for students from various localities in s Timiş County, awards that were prepared by Smithfield Ferme and consisted in books specific to the school bibliography. This year’s beneficiaries were the students of schools from: Niţchidorf, Cenei, Bacova, and Maşloc.


"End of School Year 2009/2010"


At the end of school year, Smithfield Ferme provided gifts to the most deserving students, winners of the 1st to 8th grades, from various schools in Timiş County.


The awards, consisting in books – titles of specific references to each grade, encyclopedias and albums, were granted to an overall number of 500 students from Cenei, Bobda, Maşloc, Remetea Mică and Alioș.

Din Nou la Școală




Continuing tradition for the 6th consecutive year, Smithfield Romania’s program "Back to School" started on September 17, 2012. . For five days, Smithfield Romania volunteers spread gifts at the beginning of school year, to 3,600 school and pre-school children from 61 localities in Timiş and Arad Counties..

In these five days, the 36 Smithfield volunteers traveled more than 2100km, providing children with the already traditional backpacks, school supplies and school timetables (with messages for saving natural recourses). Besides all these, the little athletes from Smithfield Romania communities had another pleasant surprise when receiving from the Company appropriate equipment to help them not miss any of the sports activities they will participate in this fall.

Also, the gifts with materials required to start a new school year were prepared for children in kindergarten and preparatory grades from Smithfield communities in Timiş and Arad Counties, and for the 250 students, children of Smitfield Ferme, Smithfield Prod and Agroalim Distribution’s employees.

Din Nou la Scoala


"BACK TO SCHOOL" – September 2011

Timişoara, September 12-16, 2011 – The first week of the school year 2011 - 2012 marked the beginning of the 5th edition of the social responsibility program of Smithfield Romania, "Back to School". This initiative included over 3,000 school and pre-school children from localities around the country, who enjoyed the backpacks, school supplies, pencil cases and timetables with advices for a healthy lifestyle, manuals and books.

This year, to answer the needs from the beginning of school year, under the aegis of the program "Back to School", the kindergarten children from Bacova benefited from new outdoor furniture for kindergarten’s park, provided by Smithfield. This program also included the 200 students from Niţchidorf school who received new school manuals, for subject matters and for all grades in the primary and secondary education.


Din Nou la Scoala


"BACK TO SCHOOL" – September 2010

Over 3,500 students from 40 schools (1st – 8th grades) and kindergartens from rural communities in Arad and Timiş Counties received backpacks, pencil cases and timetables with advices for a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, manuals and books, while pre-school children received supplies for teaching activities, as part of the 4th edition of the social responsible program "Back to School", conducted by Smithfield Ferme.

Therefore, during September 13 – 21, 2010, 30 Smithfield Ferme volunteers, together with representatives of local authorities, traveled 1,600 km in 8 days so that all 3,500 school and pre-school children could benefit of the support provided as part of the “Back to School” program.

Compared to previous editions this year, children of Company employees who started 1st grade were also included thus, 130 children received a backpack and a pencil case equipped with 31 pieces.

Din Nou la Scoala


"BACK TO SCHOOL" – September 2009 (2008-2007)

During the third edition of Smithfield Ferme’s educational program, “Back to School”, Smithfield Ferme’s once with the beginning of school year, 36 schools in Timiş and Arad Counties, where approximately 3,000 school and pre-school children benefited of support.

Now in its third edition, "Back to School" is a Smithfield Ferme project to support students in local communities where the Company operates and consists in providing best quality school supplies: backpacks, pencil cases and timetables with advices for a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

The educational project of Smithfield Ferme started in 2007. At the 2 editions of the program, over 2700 students (700 in 2007; 2040 in 2008) from 15 localities in Timiş County (4 in 2007; 11 in 2008) were included.

This year, as an extension of the program, Smithfield Ferme provided school furniture (teacher’s desk, desks, upholstered), to the 1st grade of Nițchidorf, Secondary School in Timiş County.

With these educational programs, students have the opportunity to deepen their education by special scholarships, as part of the Romanian – American program.Fulbright

In collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce from Smithfield, Virginia, at the beginning of this school year, students of William Shakespeare High School from Timişoara received a donation of 840 books in English, didactic material that will constitute educational support for subject matters in the extra-curricular aria of this year.

CSR Environment Archive



"Millions of People, Millions of Trees"


12 Martie 2009, Bacova, judet Timis


In early 2009, over 3,900 trees (lindens, locusts and poplars) were voluntarily planted by Smithfield Ferme employees, around 11 farms from Timiș localities Boldur, Ciacova, Igriș, Nițchidorf, Peciu Nou, Periam, and Stamora.


Plantings continued din March as well, when for two weeks, lindens and ash trees were planted as follows: 489 in Bacova Commune, 330 on the land around Jimbolia 4, 1,500 trees next to: Mișca 1, Mișca 2 Farms.


Over 400 companies, institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations enrolled in the first two editions of the National Tree Planting Movement, which planted 11,399,917 trees and 4,336,114 shrubs and plants through the actions of 33,617 volunteers and 21,051 employees.

"Millions of People, Millions of Trees"




May 6, 2010, Nitchidorf, Timis County


In the spring of 2010, Smithfield Ferme volunteers planted over 3,500 trees, as part of the national movement "Millions of People, Millions of Tress". For two weeks, 40 Company employees voluntarily took part in the planting actions, conducted in 11 localities from Timiș and Arad Counties.


The tree planting campaign ended on May 6, 2010, in Nițchidorf locality from Timiș County, where Smithfield Ferme volunteers, together with students of the Secondary School and in the presence of the Agricultural Representative of USA Embassy, Hoa Van Huynh, ARPM Counselor Marcel Lungu, Valeria Pavel - Timiș County Council, and other local officials, planted 150 trees – willows, maples and acacias.

"Millions of People, Millions of Trees"




November 28, 2011, Bulgăruș, Timiș County


In the fall of 2011 as well, Smithfield Romania continued its reforestation efforts: as of November 28, over 6,000 birches, maples, and willows were transported to the chosen places by specialists, to be planted by the teams of volunteers. The campaign debuted on Monday, November 28, with a public tree planting campaign in Bulgăruș locality, Timiș County, and ended in the first week of December.


The public action consisted in planting 300 willows with the help of volunteers from the local community and of Smithfield Romania volunteers. The protagonists of this educational program were the children in the 1st to 8th grades from Bulgăruș Secondary School, Timiș County, joined by local authorities, journalists, specialists of central public administration and their parents.







6 Mai 2010, Nitchidorf, judet Timis


Peste 3.500 de copaci au fost plantați în primăvara anului 2010, de către voluntari ai Smithfield Ferme în cadrul mișcării naționale "Milioane de Oameni, Milioane de Copaci". Timp de două săptămâni, 40 de angajați ai companiei noastre au luat parte în mod voluntar la acțiunile de plantare care s-au derulat în 11 localități din județele Timiș și Arad.


Campania de plantări s-a încheiat pe 6 Mai 2010, în localitatea Nițchidorf din județul Timiș, unde voluntarii Smithfield Ferme, împreună cu elevi ai Școlii Generale din localitate, în prezența atașatului pentru agricultură al ambasadei SUA, Hoa Van Huynh, a consilierului ARPM Marcel Lungu, a Valeriei Pavel - CJ Timiș și a altor oficialități locale, au plantat 150 de arbori - sălcii, arțari și salcâmi.


12 Martie 2009, Bacova, județ Timiș


La începutul anului 2009, peste 3.900 de arbori (tei, salcâmi și plopi) au fost plantați prin voluntariat de către angajații Smithfield Ferme în jurul a 11 ferme din locălitățile timișene Boldur, Ciacova, Igriș, Nițchidorf, Peciu Nou, Periam și Stamora.


Plantările au continuat și în luna martie, când timp de două săptămâni, au fost plantați tei și frasini, printre care: 489 în comuna Bacova, 330 pe terenul de lânga ferma Jimbolia 4, 1.500 de arbori lânga fermele: Mișca 1, Mișca 2.


în primele două ediții ale Mișcării Naționale de plantări, s-au înscris peste 400 de companii, instituții, organizații guvernamentale și non-guvernamentale, care au plantat 11.399.917 de arbori și 4.336.114 de arbuști și plante prin acțiunile a 33.617 de voluntari și a 21.051 de angajați.

"World Water Monitoring Challenge"  

World Water!


World Water Monitoring Challenge – October / November 2012


Every year, our Company encourages an increasing number of students and volunteers to get involved in protecting water resources through open lessons organized on the World Water Day. The social – educational action supported by our Company is intended to raise awareness of the young generation on the importance of water resources and their preservation.


For the fifth consecutive year, we’ve organized this fall the event World Water Monitoring Challenge to raise awareness on the importance of protecting water resources. This teaching – educational activity, whose protagonists were 60 students from secondary schools of communities where Smithfield Romania operates, was organized in collaboration with Company Environmental Department, joined by representatives of local authorities.


This year’s participating students (Sânpetru - Timiș and Ineu – Arad communities) had the opportunity to discover methods of testing water quality and experiment how this process is done, through open lessons organized.


With the help of testing kits, made available by Smithfield Romania team, children could evaluate water quality, by measuring the following parameters: level of dissolved oxygen, pH (acidity), turbidity (clarity) and water source temperature. They were guided by Smithfield Romania volunteers, representatives of authorities and biology teachers from Sânpetru Primary and Secondary School, Timiș County and "Mihai Viteazu" Industrial College from Ineu, Arad County.



"World Water Monitoring Challenge"


World Water!


Parța, October 19, 2011: 25 students of Parța Secondary School participated on the "World Water Monitoring Challenge", to testing the water of Timiș River. For the fourth consecutive year, the action initiated by Smithfield Ferme volunteers, echoing in Romania the international project of the same name, brought together students, teachers and representatives of the Environmental Guard and Banat Water Agency.


The participating students had the opportunity to discover methods of testing water quality, through open lessons organized. They were guided in this endeavor by Smithfield România volunteers and the biology teacher from their school, Mrs. Virginia Buzilă (1st – 8th Grades School) from Parța.





"World Water Monitoring Challenge"


World Water!



Bârsa – November 2010


In the international program – “World Water Monitoring Challenge”, Smithfield Ferme representatives, together with 30 secondary school students from Bârsa, Arad County, testes the waters of Morilor Canal from the locality where they live and where they want to have a clean environment.


This teaching – educational action of Smithfield companies, already in its third edition, is an experiment intended to raise awareness of the young generation on the importance of protecting water resources and the surrounding environment.


With the help of testing kits, authorized by the International Water Association (AIA), annually purchased by Smithfield Romania employees, students were more than thrilled to test a series of basic parameters, such as; water pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and temperature. The chemistry and biology teachers of the schools involved in the project received testing kits to continue the experiments and compared the results obtained every season. All participating students received diplomas of participation and books on environmental protection.

"World Water Monitoring Challenge"

World Water!



Gataia - October 2009


For the second consecutive year, at the initiative and together with representatives of Smithfield Ferme, students of various school in Timiș County participated in a testing activity of water quality in the area as part of the international program World Water Monitoring Challenge. The participants of this year included the students of Gătaia Theoretical High School.


Together with the representatives of Gătaia Town Hall, the High School principal, Mr. Radu Bontescu, representatives of the local NGO "Prietenii naturii" and under the guidance of Smithfield Ferme Environmental Department and the High School chemistry teachers, students could learn about the importance of keeping an unpolluted environment. On the side of Bârzava River, with the help of specific instruments and appropriate substances, validated by the International Waters Association (IWA) and provided by Smithfield Ferme representatives, the students, equipped as little chemists, could test a series of basic parameters: pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and temperature.


As of 2009, the monitoring activity that every year took place on September 18, could be conducted on a longer period of time, starting with March 22 (International Waters Day) and ending on December 31. In 2008 over 5,000 locations have been monitored throughout the world, of which approximately 60% in the USA. Romanian participants in this teaching-educational program, aimed at raising awareness on the importance of a clean environment, included in 2008 groups of students from Maramureș, Teleorman, Galați and Hunedoara.

"World Water Monitoring Challenge"

World Water!



Timisoara – October 2008


In October 2008, students of William Shakespeare Theoretical High School from Timișoara together with Smithfield Ferme employees, participated at the program World Water Monitoring Challenge. On this occasion, they tested the water of Bega River. The global results of the campaign were published in mid-February.


This teaching-educational activity organized at the initiative of Smithfield Ferme and now in its second edition, is an experiment aimed at sensitizing and raising awareness on the importance of protecting water resources.

National Initiative "Your World? Clean!"





Your World? Clean! – International Child’s Day, June 1, 2012


"Your World? Clean!" !" is a social responsibility program initiated by PRAIS Foundation, which aims to develop a responsible attitude of the young generation towards the environment. This year, the program was dedicated tochildren of Company employees aged between 7 and 13, on theInternational Child’s Day, June 1..


All the130 participants received brochures with useful information about protecting the surrounding environment, being invited to participate in the Contest of Decorative Objects Made from Recycled Materialsor theContest of Essays on Environmental Protection, Illustrated with Drawings..


Children of Smithfield employees enthusiastically prepared drawings, essays and decorative objects, being all awarded at the end of the program.


So far, the social responsibility program on education and environment protection Your World? Clean!Included over1,000 children from communities where Smithfield Ferme operates, aiming for every year the environmental protection to become the main responsibility of the young generation.


The programYour World? Clean!Is part of a cycle of social responsibility programs of Smithfield Romania intended to hold everyone responsible for protecting the environment and its resources, such as:Eco CampaignMillions of People, Millions of Trees,andand World Water Monitoring Challenge.

Our Initiative "Your World? Clean!"




Your World? Clean! – May 2010


Over 350 students from 1st to 8th grades, along with the children of Smithfield Ferme employees, participated for several weeks at lessons about the environment and selective collection of waste, organized by Smithfield Ferme and teachers from 11 schools in Timiș and Arad County, as part of the national initiative “Your World? Clean!”


The program, locally implemented by Smithfield Ferme, was in its second edition and aimed to familiarize the little students with aspects related to environmental protection and waste recycling, through lessons, books, brochures, and posts about environmental protection, distributed to students and teachers from participating schools. The project ended with a competition of decorative objects made by children from recycled materials.


At the end of the program, all students received diplomas and participants in the objects’ competition were awarded with T-shirts and hats. The program was conducted in schools from Bacova, Birda, Cenei, Ciacova, Gataia, Periam and Sânnicolau Mare in Timiș County and Cermei, Șicula, Sintea Mare and Mișca in Arad County.

Our Initiative "Your World? Clean!"




Your World? Clean! – May 2009


Bucharest, May 26, 2009  -PRAIS Foundation completes these days the pilot program of the national initiative "Your World? Clean!"  http://www.lumeatacurata.ro, which included 2,200 students in the 4th grade and 103 teachers from 34 schools in Bucharest. (...)


This first edition was attended by 100 secondary school students from Mașloc, Timiș County and 30 secondary school students from Vânători Vilage, Mișca Commune, Arad County, under the coordination of Smithfield Ferme team, along with 119 4th grade students, children of employees from the three divisions of Lafarge România.


"The results of this special educational project were possible due to the support granted by our partners: Lafarge România, Rosal Group and Smihtfield Romania. Being a comprehensive program, we intend to develop this initiative in the school year 2009-2010 in a few districts of Bucharest and in 2 large cities in the country”, added Silvia Bucur. (...)