CSR Environment
“Eco Campaign” – Internal Program
The “Eco Campaign” internal program, launched in 2010, aims to raise awareness on the importance of rational use of water and electricity and selective collection of waste plastic and paper, selected among employees.
The objectives of the Eco Campaign are:
• increase the quantities of paper and plastic, selectively collected;
• raise awareness on the importance of rational use of natural resources;
• raise awareness on the impact that each of us has on the environment.
Thus, Smithfield Romania employees have the possibility to come into contact during their work with messages calling for responsible behavior towards the environment, with interesting messages, that bring arguments for the rational use of such resources, both at work and at home.
Inspired by the large number of participants in this campaign, we launched a new challenge as part of the same platform: “Cherish WATER and ENERGY, protect the FUTURE!”. Extension of the program was made to encourage saving of WATER and ENERGY resources.
As part of its sustainable development strategy, Smithfield Romania consistently supports programs and projects initiated by young people who seek to contribute to protecting the environment.
Thus, our Company supported the organization of the following projects proposed by the Youth Bank:
1. The project "At Auto We Don't Walk on Green" is implemented by the students of the Automotive High School, adjacent to the slaughterhouse. It was conducted in several stages, each aiming to promote environmental protection among adolescents, and included art works made of recycled materials sculptures – plastic installations or textile and cement. These items were put up for auction at the event “Freidorf Neighborhood Days”, the money obtained being invested in environmental protection projects, such as decoration of schoolyard by planting trees or flowers in pots made of used tires.
2. The project of Ecotim "Think Green, Act Green" was proposed and implemented by students of Carmen Sylva High School. In this project, students together with their teachers, have rearranged the schoolyard.
3. The project "Do Not Leave Behind Only PETs", implemented by PETasticii team, pursued a notable positive impact on the community – both in terms of awareness and in terms of recycling. In People’s Park, the high school students organized a PET collection campaign, and participants received as award a flower and a good thought.
“Eco Day” – Internal Program
”ECO DAY” is an annual event organized as volunteering action aimed at promoting the ecological spirit among Comtim Romania employees. Comtim Romania’s initiative comes in solidarity with the European movement to protect the environment. “Let’s Clean Europe”, http://www.letscleanupeurope.eu/, where annually on May 10, the citizens and institutions organize he first public action designed to draw attention to the importance of maintaining a clean environment.
Since April 2011, Comtim Romania employees have enthusiastically agreed to start each spring with "Eco Day, an internal program aimed at one of the following core responsibilities – environmental care.
Through this program, employees of all worksites participated in cleaning, re-setting-up, and revitalization of the green space around our units.
The action promises the perfect setting to spend a pleasant day outdoors, next to their colleagues and families, from the youngest to the oldest, creating the right opportunity to get to know the production teams of the worksites hosting the event. The day takes place through interactive contests, drawing contests for children of employees, various team competitions and, especially, the moment much awaited: tasting of Comtim products, delicious and tasty!
To date, the following worksites have been included in the program:
1. Periam Farm – June 14, 2019
2. Pădureni Farm – May 18, 2018
3. Birda Farm – May 27, 2017
4. Ciacova Farm – May 21, 2016
5. Bulgăruș Farm – May 9, 2015
6. Sintea Mare 2 Farm – April 18, 2015
7. Freidorf Farm – April 17, 2015
8. Freidorf Farm – May 23, 2014
9. Pădureni – May 10, 2014
10. Parța Farm – May 25, 2013
11. Cermei 2 Farm – June 8, 2013
12. Cenei Farm – May 12, 2012
13. Pădureni Farm – March 26, 2011
14. Ciacova Farm – April 2, 2011
15. Peciu Farm – April 9, 2011
Eco Day is the nest occasion for Smithfield Romania team to reunite, in a complete formula, at a barbecue with family and colleagues. Cleaning, resetting-up, and revitalization of green areas and work areas around the farms are the main objectives when we first start our day, in the morning.
At the end of the day, as a reward for the work carried out, our products from Comtim “Ready to Cook” range delighted the volunteers of the event.
The event was attended by 181 employees, Smithfield Romnia volunteers in the Frams Division and Fresh Meat Division. They’ve all managed to mobilize their families, to make the farm’s outside area as beautiful as ever.
All this time, employees’ children participated in various interactive games and enjoyed a beautiful day outdoors. The end was extremely pleasant - a taste of Comtim grill.
Although the weather was announced capricious, the volunteering action dedicated to Smithfield Romania employees and their families proved to be the right setting to spend the day outdoors, close to friends and families, from the youngest to oldest – and an excellent opportunity to know the production teams of the host farm.
The day’s attractions were: ”Know and Win!” contest, team competitions and tasting of COMTIM products!
For children who accompanied their parents at ”ECO DAY”, we’ve created a space specially designed for them, kites, ceramic piglets li many joy.
Smithfield Romania “Eco Day” found us ready to work and willing to engage in environmental protection!
Over 150 volunteers, close to family and friends, participated in cleaning, resetting, and revitalization of green areas around our units – offices and companies, as part of the 3 actions:
• Eco Day at Freidorf Slaughter – April 17;
• Eco Day at Sintea Mare 2 Fram, Arad County – April 18;
• Eco Day at Bulgărus, Timiş County – May 9
Four years after the launch of the social responsibility and environmental protection program, “Farm Day”, this year the program changes clothes and becomes “Eco Day”, including new worksites of Smithfield: the Feed Mill and Freidorf Slaughterhouse. The initiative of extending the program at Smithfield Romania’s level, precisely on May 10, when citizens and institutions organize public actions intended to draw attention on the importance of keeping a clean environment, comes as a sign of solidarity with the European environmental protection movement “Let’s Clean Europe” (http://www.letscleanupeurope.eu).
“Adopt a River” Program
Education of the young generation, protection of the environment and raising awareness on the importance of a clean environment are priorities of Comtim Romania’s social involvement strategy.
“Adopt a River” program was created out of the desire to contribute to the ecological education of the young generation.
For the fourth consecutive year, Comtim Romania volunteers came back to Igriş-Sânpetru Commuity to continue their commitment of “adopting”, taking care of and cleaning, year by year, the protected area Lunca Mureşului. Lunca Mureşului is a protected area located in the west side of Romania, member of the “European Destinations of Excellence” (www.luncamuresului.ro).
Along with over 60 enthusiastic children and their teachers from Sânpetru and Igriş Schools, Comtim Romania volunteers included in the ecological program an area of 2 km on the side of Mureş River. Thus, the recreation area frequented by locals has been cleaned and prepared for young nature lovers to spend their free time in a clean environment!
Comtim Romania volunteers will return periodically to keep clean and protect the green spaces from Lunca Mureşului National Park and the area where they live!
On a spring day of April 20, 2016, excellent for activities in nature, Smithfield Romania volunteers, along with students from Sânpetru- Igriș community from Timiș, continued the tradition of ”adopting” and cleaning, year by year, the protected area Lunca Mureșului.
Thus, Smithfield Romania volunteers, helped by 50 enthusiastic children, accompanied by their teachers from schools in Sanpetru and Igriș, cleaned the area along Mures River. Volunteers promised to come back periodically to maintain the area clean.
Environmental education and awareness of the importance of maintaining a clean environmental are priorities of Smithfield Romania’s social involvement strategy.
Lunca Mureşului is a protected area, located in the west side of the country, member of “European Destinations of Excellence”, http://www.luncamuresului.ro.
In May 2015, for the second consecutive year, Smithfield Romania volunteers came back to Sânpetru-Igriş, community to continue their promise made to “adopt”, care for and clean, year by year, the protected area Lunca Mureşului. Helped by the 60 enthusiastic students and their teachers from Sânpetru and Igriş schools, Timiș County, Smithfield Romania volunteers traveled 2 km along the side of Mureş River. Thus, the recreation area frequented by locals was cleaned and prepared for the young nature lovers to spend their free time in a clean environment!
Comtim Romania Supports the “Earth Hour””
Comtim Romania team supports the “Earth Hour” through an internal campaign aimed at raising awareness on the importance of rational behavior.
“World Water Monitoring Challenge”
The "International World Water Monitoring Challenge" is part of an international program, conducted in 43 countries, under the auspices of the International Waters Association and supported by the US Government Agency for Environmental Protection and many internationally recognized companies, among which Smithfield Foods Inc., the parent company.
Annually, Comtim Romania encourages a growing number of children and volunteers to get involved in protecting water resources through experimental open lessons, as part of the International Day for Water Quality Monitoring, and also through programs organized over time, events and environmental activities as part of the Company sustainable development strategy.
The open lessons were annually organized in partnership with environmental authorities, schools from communities where we operate, to raise awareness on the importance of clean waters and environment, among the younger generation
· Program launched in 2008
· 9 open lessons
· Over 2,000 participating students
· Students from Timişoara, Utvin, Gătaia, Pădureni, Periam, Ineu etc.
The event dedicated to World Water Monitoring Challenge, organized by our Company, took place on March 25, 2016, including over 30 school children of the 3rd and 4th grades from Sânmihaiu Român School. With kits for water testing, provided by Smithfield volunteering team, the children monitored the water quality from Bega Canal close to their home, equipped as small laboratory technicians, under the careful supervision of their school teachers.
Students, with great enthusiasm, helped by 15 Smithfield Romania volunteers – equally enthusiastic, tested the physical and chemical parameters of water quality (turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH), drew conclusions and learned what must be observed to keep a clean environment.
At the end of the event, all students were rewarded with school books and diplomas of participation.
Open lesson on environmental care and protection.
Smithfield Romania, together with the management of Nițchidorf School, organized an experimental educational lesson about the importance of preserving water quality and maintaining a clean environment.
The event World Water Monitoring Challenge, organized by our Company for the seventh consecutive year, took place on Thursday, March 19, 2015 and included 5 teams of 4th grade students from Nițchidorf School. During the open lesson, students were told about the importance of maintaining the quality and cleanliness of water sources and about the vital importance of maintaining a clean environment.
Children were very pleased to test the physical and chemical parameters of water quality (turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH), drew conclusions and discovered the secrets of maintaining a clean and healthy environment.
The event ended with the award of all students present and the promise that the event will continue next year.
Over 50 students from Sânmihaiu Roman and Periam in Timiș County participated these days at the educational activities organized by Smithfield Romania on the World Water Day – an open lesson of raising awareness on the importance of sustainable water management.
17 Smithfield Romania volunteers, together with specialist teachers of the 1st – 8th Grades School from Sânmihaiu Roman and of Periam Theoretical High School, supported by representatives of local and regulation authorities in environmental protection, tested the water quality on the side of Bega Canal and Mureș River. As part of experiment-lessons, organized as a testing laboratory, the students of the two communities had the opportunity to analyze the parameters of waters tested: turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH – and the critical role of the young generation in preserving water sources.
To encourage work sessions in nature and learning through experiments, the participating schools received working kits from the Company, that can be used for other 500 different tests of water parameters.
Smithfield Romania volunteers, in partnership with localities halls, County School Inspectorate and over 20 educational institutions from Timişoara, Sânmihaiu Român, Igriş, Sanpetru Mare and Ineu (Arad County) organized a series of events as open lessons and practical experiments through which students discover various methods of testing water quality and learn about the importance of protecting the environment.
With the help of these testing kits, made available by Smithfield Romania volunteers, the children evaluated water quality level, by measuring the following parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH-ul (acidity), turbidity (clarity) and temperature of water source. The first water monitoring from Timiş and Arad Counties in 2012 was held in Igriş, where secondary school students from Igriș and Sânpetru Mare, guided by their biology teachers and Smithfield Ferme volunteers, analyzed the water quality of Mureş River. One week later, a similar action was conducted in Ineu locality, where the waters of Crişul Alb River were monitored. This year’s events celebrating World Water Monitoring Challenge continued at Timişoara, through a workshop organized by Smithfield Prod volunteers, in partnership with Timişoara Hall, Timiş County School Inspectorate, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering from Timișoara Polytechnics and Iris Theoretical High School.
The event was attended by representatives of 20 schools and high schools in the municipality, students and teachers who, under the guidance of Chemistry Students League from Timişoara and Smithfield volunteers, tested the quality of water samples taken from the surface water of Timişoara. Şcolile participante în proiect vor continua demersul civic-educativ în cadrul altor cinci acţiuni de monitorizare a calităţii apelor pe care fiecare dintre ele le vor organiza în perioada următoare, până la vacanţa de iarnă.
All those participating in the event this year were rewarded with diplomas of participation and pleasant surprises from oganizers. Every year, an increasing number of students are encouraged to get involved in protecting water resources through open lessons conducted on the occasion of World Water Monitoring Challenge.
For the 4th consecutive year, the action initiated by Smithfield Prod employees, echoing in Romania the international project of the same name, gathered together Smithfield Prod employees, students and teachers, to discover new methods of testing the water quality, as part of an open lesson.
This event was organized as a practical exercise, on topics related to preservation of water quality.
The 100 students participating in this program were guided by Smithfield Romania volunteers, our Environmental Protection Manager, the WWTP Manager and biology teachers in their school.
National Initiative “Your World? Clean!”
The program supported by Comtim Romania is part of our national initiative “Your World? Clean!”, initiated by Prais Foundation in 2009, with support from Ministry of Environment and Bucharest School Inspectorate, and aims at developing the civic-responsible behavior of the young generation, promoting modern learning methodologies for students.
The program locally implemented by Comtim Romania is conducted every year by informing students and employees’ children on the importance of protecting the environment and recycling waste. Through courses, books, brochures and posters about the environment and selective collection of waste, distributed to students and teachers in the participating schools. At the same time, during such actions, information is also transmitted through open lessons and competitions on environmental protection, organized in the locations chosen and attended by students: compositions with environmental issues or making of objects from recycled materials.
In the previous editions, over 20 schools from communities in Timiş and Arad Counties were included in the program and over 1,000 students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues on environmental protection and waste recycling.
In 2013, the program "Your World? Clean!" now in its 5th edition, was dedicated to children of Company employees, aged between 7 and 13, on the International Child’s Day, i.e. June 1 – over a period of three weeks, children received materials with information on environmental protection.
This year’s 150 participants received brochures with useful information on the benefits of environmental protection and were invited to also take part in the Competition of decorative items made from recycled materials or the Competition of essays on environmental protection, illustrated with drawings.
The children of Smithfield Romania employees enthusiastically prepared drawings, essays and decorative objects, all being rewarded at the end of the program.
"Millions of People, Millions of Trees"
Comtim Romania is a sponsor and official partner of the program (www.milioanedecopaci.ro), the first national tree planting movement in Romania, organized in partnership with Ministry of Environment and National Environmental Guard.
Comtim Romania’s objectives in this project are planting of tree curtains nearby the farms and parks surrounding schools in communities where the Company operates. The aim is to concentrate on the protection and regeneration of the environment.
These are values that we want to materialize through such actions, involving both Comtim Romania employees, authorities and students, members of the young generation. Their upbringing in the spirit of care towards the environment is an important component of the educational support program that Comtim Romania stands by through its actions.
So far, other time, as part of the national tree planting movement, “Millions of People, Millions of Trees”, whose founding member is, Comtim Romania planted over 21,000 trees, with the help of volunteers.
In the fall of 2012, our Company continued the tree planting campaign, under the aegis of the national tree planting movement through volunteering, “Millions of People, Millions of Tress” (www.milioanedecopaci.ro).
Protecting and caring for the environment are part of our Company’s major objectives and are core values that we want to materialize by such actions.
Friday, November 16, 2012, Company volunteers, along with very committed little helps, the secondary children of "Mihai Viteazu" High School from Ineu, Arad County, volunteers from central administration institutions operating in the area and teachers, have created a plant curtain close to Smithfield farm – Mocrea, Arad County, by planting linden trees, poplars, willows and planes.
This project was made possible with the support of Smithfield Prod employees and by active participation of students from Sânmihaiu Român school and children from Utvin kindergarten and involves planting of trees around the slaughterhouse and Utvn locality.
So far, over 21,000 trees have been planted by Smithfield Romania, as part of the national tree planting campaign, now in its 7th edition, whose founding member the Company is.
Various Environmental Protection Actions Organized by Comtim Romania
Our dedicated volunteers participated in the fall of 2017 to a new action of environmental protection and raising awareness on the importance of a clean environment: the tree planting campaign.
200 linen trees were planted in the vicinity of Smithfield Romania offices by 40 employees devoted to the green cause, who enthusiastically participated in the creation of new green areas.
On November 19, this year, students of Vânători School, Arad County, were eagerly waiting for Smithfield Romania team to show up with gifts, as usual. Thus, several Dell computers, from renewing Smithfield Ferme’s computers, were installed in the 0 to 4th grades of Vânători School.
Not only students were thrilled with this donation on behalf of the Company, but teachers as well who will use this year the digital manuals, as CDs.
The computer donation continued in 2016 as well, overall 55 computers being donated to Denta Secondary School, No. 27 Secondary School from Timișoara, Sânmihaiu Român Secondary School and Mașloc Secondary School.
Exhibition of works made by the children of Smithfield Romania employees.
On June 1, the day we celebrate childhood, Smithfield Romania had the opportunity to invite the children of Smithfield Romania employees to participate in an Ecological Creation Competition, encouraging imagination, creativity and support of the ecological spirit.
In this competition, children had to create around a well-known and loved fairy tale, “The Little Piglets”.
From the youngest to the eldest, the industrious and creative children worked thoroughly to make sime very interesting works from recycled materials.
Therefore, on June 12, the “three fairy tale little piglets” could be admired at the headquarters of Smithfield Prod and Ferme, where children’s works were exhibited for our weeks. And for the effort and creativity to be rewarded, all children enrolled in the competition were awarded with diplomas and gifts specific to the playfulness childhood.
In October of each year, an important event for community children is organized in Buziaș locality, namely the “Non-formal Education Day”. The program is intended to involve students, teachers and colunteers in extra-curricular and non-formal activities, to show that learning is faster and more efficient when it is participatory. This program reunites thousand of children, various events and numerous educational and ecological activities.
Smithfield Romania supported the action “Living Library”, organized by high-schoolers of Buziaș, to promote a powerful message, i.e.: human rights, fostering of diversity and environmental protection. Our Company provided the necessary materials to organize this event.
One of the main activities organized was “How to adopt, grow and offer a flower gift”. The main purpose for choosing this project is not only to highlight the benefits of practice for students while learning, but also to raise awareness on the importance of nature and the surrounding environment in the life of each of us. As a result of this activity, children learned how to adopt a flower, take care of it and even personalize the flower pots through painting.
Since 2014, Smithfield Romania has consistently supported the Non-formal Education Day, organized together with Buziaș Theoretical High School.
Over 500 students 1st to 8th grades from Timiș County participated during April 19-23, 2010, to a series of actions on information, education and volunteering, under the aegis "Earth Week", an event supported by Smithfield Ferme.
The actions were organized by Buziaș Theoretical High School, in partnership with schools from Buziaș, Bacova, Boldur, Chevereșul Mare, Nițchidorf, Racovița, Moșnița and Tormac.
The event was held throughout the week and included exhibitions of drawings, costumes and boards made of recycled materials, literary creations about the "International Earth Day", sports and skills competitions, layout competitions about the "Animals’ World" and artistic moments and plays under the title "Earth Week". Informational materials about the environment were also distributed during biology classes, and cleaning and tree planting actions were organized in parks.
In 2010 and then 2011, Smithfield Prod celebrated the “Earth Hour” by turning off all sources of lighting in office buildings, which have a direct impact on our business.
The week March 29 – April 2, 2010 was celebrated as the Eco Week at Smithfield Prod. This project was intended to be a mix of action an awareness in terms of environment protection and is based on the volunteering participation of Smithfield Prod employees and students of 5th and 7th grades from Utvin School.
The program “Eco Week” started on Monday, March 29, by spring cleaning between Utvin locality and Smithfield Prod’s location, where 120 bags of 140l with PETs, paper and waste were collected. The target of Tuesday was planting 200 linden trees on Smithfield Prod platform. Thursday and Friday were dedicated to information campaigns: some of the Company’s achievements in environmental protection and CSR/environment and operational programs were internally communicated.