
CSR Environment

“Eco Campaign” – Internal Program

The “Eco Campaign” internal program, launched in 2010, aims to raise awareness on the importance of rational use of water and electricity and selective collection of waste plastic and paper, selected among employees.

The objectives of the Eco Campaign are:

• increase the quantities of paper and plastic, selectively collected;

• raise awareness on the importance of rational use of natural resources;

• raise awareness on the impact that each of us has on the environment.

Thus, Smithfield Romania employees have the possibility to come into contact during their work with messages calling for responsible behavior towards the environment, with interesting messages, that bring arguments for the rational use of such resources, both at work and at home.

Inspired by the large number of participants in this campaign, we launched a new challenge as part of the same platform: “Cherish WATER and ENERGY, protect the FUTURE!”. Extension of the program was made to encourage saving of WATER and ENERGY resources.

“Eco Day” – Internal Program

”ECO DAY” is an annual event organized as volunteering action aimed at promoting the ecological spirit among Comtim Romania employees. Comtim Romania’s initiative comes in solidarity with the European movement to protect the environment. “Let’s Clean Europe”, http://www.letscleanupeurope.eu/, where annually on May 10, the citizens and institutions organize he first public action designed to draw attention to the importance of maintaining a clean environment.

Since April 2011, Comtim Romania employees have enthusiastically agreed to start each spring with "Eco Day, an internal program aimed at one of the following core responsibilities – environmental care.

Through this program, employees of all worksites participated in cleaning, re-setting-up, and revitalization of the green space around our units.

The action promises the perfect setting to spend a pleasant day outdoors, next to their colleagues and families, from the youngest to the oldest, creating the right opportunity to get to know the production teams of the worksites hosting the event. The day takes place through interactive contests, drawing contests for children of employees, various team competitions and, especially, the moment much awaited: tasting of Comtim products, delicious and tasty!

To date, the following worksites have been included in the program:

1.      Periam Farm – June 14, 2019

2.      Pădureni Farm – May 18, 2018

3.      Birda Farm – May 27, 2017

4.      Ciacova Farm – May 21, 2016

5.      Bulgăruș Farm – May 9, 2015

6.      Sintea Mare 2 Farm – April 18, 2015

7.      Freidorf Farm – April 17, 2015

8.      Freidorf Farm – May 23, 2014

9.      Pădureni – May 10, 2014

10.   Parța Farm – May 25, 2013

11.   Cermei 2 Farm – June 8, 2013

12.   Cenei Farm – May 12, 2012

13.   Pădureni Farm – March 26, 2011

14.   Ciacova Farm – April 2, 2011

15.   Peciu Farm – April 9, 2011

“Adopt a River” Program

Education of the young generation, protection of the environment and raising awareness on the importance of a clean environment are priorities of Comtim Romania’s social involvement strategy.

“Adopt a River” program was created out of the desire to contribute to the ecological education of the young generation.

For the fourth consecutive year, Comtim Romania volunteers came back to Igriş-Sânpetru Commuity to continue their commitment of “adopting”, taking care of and cleaning, year by year, the protected area Lunca Mureşului. Lunca Mureşului is a protected area located in the west side of Romania, member of the “European Destinations of Excellence” (www.luncamuresului.ro).

Along with over 60 enthusiastic children and their teachers from Sânpetru and Igriş Schools, Comtim Romania volunteers included in the ecological program an area of 2 km on the side of Mureş River. Thus, the recreation area frequented by locals has been cleaned and prepared for young nature lovers to spend their free time in a clean environment!

Comtim Romania volunteers will return periodically to keep clean and protect the green spaces from Lunca Mureşului National Park and the area where they live!

Comtim Romania Supports the “Earth Hour””

Comtim Romania team supports the “Earth Hour” through an internal campaign aimed at raising awareness on the importance of rational behavior.

“World Water Monitoring Challenge” 

The "International World Water Monitoring Challenge" is part of an international program, conducted in 43 countries, under the auspices of the International Waters Association and supported by the US Government Agency for Environmental Protection and many internationally recognized companies, among which Smithfield Foods Inc., the parent company.

Annually, Comtim Romania encourages a growing number of children and volunteers to get involved in protecting water resources through experimental open lessons, as part of the International Day for Water Quality Monitoring, and also through programs organized over time, events and environmental activities as part of the Company sustainable development strategy.

The open lessons were annually organized in partnership with environmental authorities, schools from communities where we operate, to raise awareness on the importance of clean waters and environment, among the younger generation

·  Program launched in 2008

· 9 open lessons

·  Over 2,000 participating students

·  Students from Timişoara, Utvin, Gătaia, Pădureni, Periam, Ineu etc.

National Initiative “Your World? Clean!”

The program supported by Comtim Romania is part of our national initiative “Your World? Clean!”, initiated by Prais Foundation in 2009, with support from Ministry of Environment and Bucharest School Inspectorate, and aims at developing the civic-responsible behavior of the young generation, promoting modern learning methodologies for students.

The program locally implemented by Comtim Romania is conducted every year by informing students and employees’ children on the importance of protecting the environment and recycling waste. Through courses, books, brochures and posters about the environment and selective collection of waste, distributed to students and teachers in the participating schools. At the same time, during such actions, information is also transmitted through open lessons and competitions on environmental protection, organized in the locations chosen and attended by students: compositions with environmental issues or making of objects from recycled materials.

In the previous editions, over 20 schools from communities in Timiş and Arad Counties were included in the program and over 1,000 students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with issues on environmental protection and waste recycling.

"Millions of People, Millions of Trees"

Comtim Romania is a sponsor and official partner of the program (www.milioanedecopaci.ro), the first national tree planting movement in Romania, organized in partnership with Ministry of Environment and National Environmental Guard.

Comtim Romania’s objectives in this project are planting of tree curtains nearby the farms and parks surrounding schools in communities where the Company operates. The aim is to concentrate on the protection and regeneration of the environment.

These are values that we want to materialize through such actions, involving both Comtim Romania employees, authorities and students, members of the young generation. Their upbringing in the spirit of care towards the environment is an important component of the educational support program that Comtim Romania stands by through its actions.

So far, other time, as part of the national tree planting movement, “Millions of People, Millions of Trees”, whose founding member is, Comtim Romania planted over 21,000 trees, with the help of volunteers.

Various Environmental Protection Actions Organized by Comtim Romania